Saturday, February 22, 2014

I want to document everything!

I look at my sweet baby's smile and I want to take a picture. I want to follow her around with a video camera and capture every move she makes. I want to remember this time with her forever. Everything she does amazes me. She is learning so much, so fast! I love watching her walk around the house, stopping to play with a toy before she moves on to the next one. She laughs and yells at the puppies, then chases them around. Every single day Bunny learns something new. A new baby sign, a new word, a new sound. I can spend all day watching her. Her smiles are contagious, her laughs make my heart melt. I am so lucky to be her mom.

There are days I look around the house and see all the things that need to be done. The laundry (I am GREAT at washing it, not so great about folding it and putting it away), the dishes (oh so many dishes, its like they multiple! Every time I look at the sink there are more than the last time I looked!), vacuuming (multiple times a week for heavens sake!), mopping, the list goes on and on. Sometimes all I see are the things I need to do, the things I can write on a list and check off once they are done. I often forget about the things I have already done (fed the baby, fed myself, cleaned up after feeding us, picked up the toys, changed her diaper a bajillion times in one day, outfit changes due to fun and messes, cupboards I put back together after Bunny tore them apart), and the things that can't be written on a list and checked off. The things that can't be written on a list and checked off are the most important ones. Sitting down and reading a book, having a conversation with my 1 year old, playing on the floor with her, giving her a hug just because she wants one, singing her songs, this list goes on and on. These are the things she will remember. She (hopefully) wont remember the sink full of dirty dishes, the clean laundry piled high on the sofa.

The little things that I see, my sweet baby doesn't see. She sees her mom playing with her, reading her books, never being too busy for a hug. I need to see these things, and remember the importance of them. I need to remember their worth. These little activities I do with her all day, they can not be measured and checked off a list. One day she will be grown up enough that she won't need me every moment of every day. Then I will have time to have a spotless house. Then I will miss all the little things that mean so much.

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