Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Extended Breastfeeding - What it looks like for us

Bunny is 15 months old. She nurses five to eight times a day. We (I) have no intention of weaning anytime soon. Before I had Bunny, I thought we would nurse up to a year then stop. I thought, once she is old enough to run around, has more than 4 teeth in her mouth, and can ask for milk, surely she is old enough to not need it! Now that I am her Mom, I do not see why those things matter! I couldn't imagine waking up on her first birthday and not nursing her anymore. Bunny loves to nurse, and I love it to. Yes, you read the right, I LOVE to nurse my baby. When our nursing relationship ends, I will be the sad one, not Bunny. I love the comfort nursing provides. I love the ease of it. (It was not easy in the beginning!) I love knowing my body is doing exactly what it is made to do. My breasts have a purpose, a real purpose, to feed my sweet child. 

I always wondered what nursing a toddler would look like, so in case you are wondering the same, I will give you a small glimpse into our world.
Bunny wakes up in the morning and the first thing she does is nurse. Bunny sits up in her bed and cries for me, I lay down next to her and she closes her little eyes and nurses. I love this time in the morning. I feel it gives Bunny a chance to wake up slowly. She often closes her eyes for a few more minutes, then stretches and waves "Hi" to me. When she's done nursing we like to lay in bed and laugh for no reason at all! What a way to wake up! 
Bunny plays all morning, eats breakfast, snacks, and lunch. When it is time for nap, Bunny and I lay down in bed to nurse to sleep. I watch a movie or a t.v. show on my iPad while Bunny nurses to sleep. 
When Bunny wakes up from nap, she likes to nurse. It used to be that Bunny would nurse before getting up from nap, but recently Bunny has wanted to play for 5-10 minutes before she nurses. I think this nursing session might be gone before too long. I cherish it every day, knowing one day it might be the last day she nurses after nap.
After nap Bunny has a snack, and plays some more. Bunny doesn't often nurse again until bedtime. There are days she wants to nurse again between nap and bedtime, but it is not often, and she does not nurse for long. 
When it is time for bed, Bunny nurses to sleep again. This time I lay quietly with her, with no iPad. I love to watch her fall asleep. She is so peaceful and so calm. She looks like my little baby when she is nursing to sleep. I love how she cuddles up to me and shares that special time with me. 
Bunny wakes up two to three times a night to nurse. She doesn't nurse for long, but she is definitely nursing. When she is done nursing, she rolls over and is back asleep. In fact, as soon as she is latched on, she is back asleep. 

This may not be what your toddler does, every toddler is different. I love it and wouldn't trade it for the world. I love that when Bunny wakes up in the middle of the night, all it takes is a little milk for her to go back to sleep. 

Bunny is a VERY active toddler. She rarely ever sits still. Unless she is nursing. I love being able to cuddle and connect with her while we nurse. 

When Bunny learned how to sign milk, my heart melted. Now, Bunny can say milk and she rarely ever signs it. If I had done what I thought I would, stop nursing when my baby could ask for it, I would have stopped when Bunny was 10 months old! 

I am very glad I am able to nurse, and that it comes with no complications now. I have many friends who are not as lucky as I am. I also have many friends who are DONE with nursing when their babies turn a year old. That is a okay! Every baby and mom relationship is different. One is not better than the other. We are all mothers, trying to do our best! 

Luckily I have not received any criticism because I am still breastfeeding Bunny. If you are not as luck, here is some advice from Dr. Sears. 

Do you still nurse your toddler? If so, what does your day look like?


  1. I am still nursing my toddler(almost 16-month old) and I am so proud! Like you, I never imagined I would make it past a year, and now it is the easiest, most fulfilling, part of being a mom. I wouldn't change a thing. Thank you for helping to normalize full-term breastfeeding.

    1. Go Emily! It's nice to know I'm not alone :)
