Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Adventure Walks with a Toddler

Bunny LOVES to be outside. LOVES it! She would spend all day outside if I let her. Unfortunately she has VERY fair skin and can't spend all day outside! Every day we go for a walk, what I like to call an adventure walk.
Our adventure walk has no time line and no route. I let Bunny lead the way. We often backtrack a million times. Bunny really enjoys waving at the cars on the street. If she hasn't seen a car for a while, she will backtrack to the last spot she saw a car.
The texture and size of the tree were captivating. 

I don't tell Bunny where to go or what to do on our adventure walks. I make sure she doesn't go into the street or get into anything dangerous or unsafe. Other than that, I let her dictate the walk. I make sure I have at least 30 mins to spend with her on a walk. I try to really see and experience what she is seeing and experiencing. I may see these surroundings multiple times a day, but to Bunny, everything is new. The other day, Bunny spent five or so minutes chasing a leaf that was blowing in the wind. To me, that is a simple experience, but to Bunny it is new and exciting and something to learn about and from.

I love watching her explore the world. I can almost see her brain working, trying to figure out the new things she is experiencing.

I love her little shadow!


Even grass is something to be explored! 

Adventure walks end when Bunny get fussy, hungry, or needs a diaper change. I try not to push my timeline or directions on her. This time is special for her, it is all about her and what she would like to do. I follow Bunny and make sure she is safe and allow her to explore. I find great joy in the little things she shows me. I learn how to be happy and see the world anew when I go on adventure walks with Bunny. If you have a little one, I challenge you to go on an adventure walk! Leave a comment to let me know how it goes! You might be surprised what your little one teaches you!

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